

  1. DevCell
    Developmental cell fate choice in neural tube progenitors employs two distinct cis-regulatory strategies
    Delás, M. J., Kalaitzis, CM, Fawzi, T, Demuth, M, Zhang, I, Stuart, H. T., Costantini, E, K, Ivanovitch., Tanaka, E. M., and Briscoe, J.
    Developmental Cell 2022
  2. NatCellBio
    Sox2 levels regulate the chromatin occupancy of WNT mediators in epiblast progenitors responsible for vertebrate body formation
    Blassberg, R., Patel, H., Watson, T., Gouti, M., Metzis, V., Delás, M. J., and Briscoe, J.
    Nature Cell Biology 2022
  3. NatComms
    Cell-intrinsic Aryl Hydrocarbon Receptor signalling is required for the resolution of injury-induced colonic stem cells
    Shah, K., Maradana, M. M., Delás, M. J., Metidji, A., Graelmann, F., Llorian, M., Chakravarty, P., Li, Y., Tolaini, M., Shapiro, M., Kelly, G., Cheshine, C., Bhurta, D., Bharate, S., and Stockinger, B.
    Nature Communications 2022


  1. CurrTopDevBio
    Repressive interactions in gene regulatory networks: When you have no other choice
    Delás, M. J., and Briscoe, J.
    Current Topics in Developmental Biology 2020


  1. Cell Rep
    lncRNA Spehd Regulates Hematopoietic Stem and Progenitor Cells and Is Required for Multilineage Differentiation
    Delás, M. J., Jackson, B.T., Kovacevic, S., Munera Maravilla, E., Wild, S. A., Stork, E. M., Erard, N., Knott, S. R. V., and Hannon G. J.,
    Cell Reports 2019


  1. eLife
    LncRNA requirements for mouse acute myeloid leukemia and normal differentiation
    Delás, M. J., Sabin, L. R., Dolzhenko, E., Knott, S. R. V., Munera Maravilla, E., Jackson, B. T., Wild, S. A., Kovacevic, T., Stork, E. M., Zhou, M., Erard, N., Lee, E., Kelley, D. R., Roth, M., Barbosa, I. A. M., Zuber, J., Rinn, J. L., Smith, A. D., and Hannon, G. J.
    eLife 2017
  2. OpenBio
    LncRNAs in development and disease: from functions to mechanisms
    Delás, M. J., and Hannon, G. J.
    Open Biology 2017


  1. PNAS
    Genome and transcriptome of the regeneration-competent flatworm,Macrostomum lignano
    Wasik, Kaja, Gurtowski, James, Zhou, Xin, Ramos, Olivia Mendivil, Delás, M. J., Battistoni, Giorgia, Demerdash, Osama El, Falciatori, Ilaria, Vizoso, Dita B., Smith, Andrew D., Ladurner, Peter, Schärer, Lukas, McCombie, W. Richard, Hannon, Gregory J., and Schatz, Michael
    Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 2015


  1. Mol Cell
    Dogma Derailed: The Many Influences of RNA on the Genome
    Sabin, L. R., Delás, M. J., and Hannon, G. J.
    Molecular Cell 2013


  1. Yeast cultures with UCP1 uncoupling activity as a heating device
    Delás, Joaquina, Notari, Meritxell, Forés, Jaume, Pechuan, Joaquı́n, Porcar, Manuel, Navarro, Emilio, Montagud, Arnau, Baguena, Minerva, Peretó, Juli, Córdoba, Pedro Fernández, González-Barroso, M. Mar, Rial, Eduardo, Moya, Andrés, and Urchueguı́a, Javier
    New Biotechnology 2009